Der Deal-Flow-Indicator von Intralinks: Einzigartige Prognosen für künftige M&A-Aktivitäten – auf Englisch

Der Vergleich zum tatsächlichen von Thomson Reuters gemeldeten Deal-Volumen zeigt, dass der Deal-Flow-Indicator von Intralinks statistisch zuverlässige Prognosen für künftige Deals rund 6 Monate vor ihrer Bekanntgabe liefert.

What is the Intralinks Deal Flow Indicator (DFI)?

The Intralinks Deal Flow Indicator (DFI) tracks global M&A sell-side mandates and deals reaching the due diligence phase prior to public announcement, providing a unique leading indicator of global deal activity. The Intralinks DFI is based on the company’s insight into a significant percentage of M&A transactions in their initial phases.

The statistics contained in the Intralinks DFI represent the volume of virtual data rooms (VDRs) created, or proposed to be created, through Intralinks or other providers. The VDRs are used to conduct due diligence on proposed transactions including asset sales, divestitures, private placements, financings, capital raises, joint ventures, and partnerships. These statistics are not adjusted for changes in Intralinks’ share of the VDR market or changes in market demand for VDR services. However, we have found that the Intralinks DFI provides a unique and reliable indicator of future announced mergers and acquisitions activity.