There are 1198 results for ""



Armed with an online corporate repository, NTSG improved communication among its complex, global teams and realized a 20% to 30% gain in efficiency.

Claris Lifesciences


When Claris Lifesciences decided to adopt a single online location to store its critical information, it turned to Intralinks® to accelerate collaboration, improve communication and align with industry standards.

Interflex Group, Inc.


Global packaging company Interflex Group first used Intralinks for a deal in 2005. Three years later the company relied again on Intralinks to help it facilitate a strategic acquisition.

Nicholl Food Packaging


Hired by Nicholl Food Packaging to find a suitable investor, Livingstone Partners knew the deal required using a virtual dataroom to reach qualified international suitors.

IW Management Services


When IW Management Services decided to divest one of its companies, it turned to Intralinks’ Virtual Data Room (VDR) solution to host its due diligence throughout the merger and acquisition (M&A) process.



With nearly 91,000 rental apartments and approximately 250,000 tenants, the LEG is one of Germany’s leading housing companies.

DSM/Ocean Nutrition Canada Limited


Ocean Nutrition Canada Limited, a leading provider of fish-derived Omega-3 products, needed a way for its shareholders to manage its acquisition, initiated via auction, in a timely manner in order to maximize bid values.

HSH Real Estate


HSH Real Estate had a very good experience with Intralinks® on their first transaction together.